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Gaya et le petit désert

Gaya et le petit désert

by Gilles Vigneault
  • character-development
  • family-and-friendship
  • french-from-quebec
  • from-quebec
  • inquiry

Young Gaya, a curious little girl full of ideas, discovers one morning near her grandfather’s house that his well has gone dry. She then sets off to ask her friends in the forest why that is. Advice is given freely by a wise old oak tree, a loquacious owl, a hare-footed squirrel and a workaholic beaver. Each one however, seems to blame the other and it turns into one huge headache for her. Gaya does realize though, that in life one can always inspire new beginnings.

Included: CD with narrated story and 9 recorded songs

Ce merveilleux conte écologique raconte les aventures de Gaya, une petite fille curieuse qui cherche à comprendre pourquoi le puits près de la maison de son grand-père est à sec. À qui est-ce la faute ? Afin d’obtenir une réponse, Gaya explore la forêt environnante et interroge un chêne centenaire, un écureuil outré, un Grand duc très digne et un castor affairé. Chacun pointe du doigt son voisin ! Mais son grand-père et un almanach aussi vieux que lui vont l’aider dans sa quête. Un récit optimiste qui nous invite à croire que tous les recommencements sont possibles.



Gilles Vigneault, author

Gilles Vigneault est l’auteur de plus de 400 poèmes, de 40 livres et d’autant d’albums. Il est Chevalier de l’Ordre national du Québec et Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur en France, en plus d’avoir été intronisé au Panthéon des auteurs et compositeurs canadiens.

As a member of the Canadian Author / Songwriters Hall of Fame, Gilles Vigneault is hailed as one of Canada’s most influential music figures of the 20th century, especially as a champion Québécois folksinger. His work often evokes his great love of nature and the passion he has for his hometown of Natashquan, a remote, windswept village on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. He has received numerous distinctions including the “Grand prix du disque et de l’Académie Charles-Cros” in France and the “Médaille Vermeil” offered by the City of Paris.

Stéphane Jorisch, illustrator

Stéphane Jorisch a reçu le Prix du livre jeunesse Ruth-Schwartz, le Prix TD de littérature pour l’enfance et la jeunesse et à quatre reprises, le Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général.

Stéphane Jorisch is a four-time winner of the Governor General’s Literary Award, the Ruth Schwartz Children’s Book Award and the Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator’s Award. He has also created set designs for Le Cirque du Soleil.

Rights Holder

Rights Holder: La Montagne secrète



rights available: World

Additional Information

age range: 6 - 9

number of pages: 52

publication date: 09/14/2017

Original language of pub: French | Français

Materials Available: finished book

Additional Materials: Video presentation of book interior