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by Mélanie Michaud
  • critically-acclaimed
  • debut
  • from-quebec
  • women-s

An Impertinent Story It’s the middle of the ‘80s.

Little Melanie bravely faces the poverty, cruelty and injustice of her neighbourhood, La Petite-Bourgogne, which people refer to as “Burgundy.” With her dischevelled hair and her grape juice moustache, she’s become adept at hilariously impertinent comebacks. The day her family moves to Montreal’s South Shore, Melanie quickly realizes that her street smarts are out of place with the Art of Living of the suburbs. In her new neighbourhood, the skinny child gets in to all sorts of comical situations and experiences perhaps for the first time the bitter taste of poverty.

The road is long to finding a place to fit in.


Mélanie Michaud, author

With her book Burgundy, Melanie Michaud has written a story that is both funny and brutal, allowing us to take a delightful leap back to the time of the Steinberg’s grocery stores, school photos with futuristic backgrounds, Chef Boyardee and Strawberry Shortcake breakfast cereals.


  • Ce premier livre, donc, est plutôt un bijou où s’enfilent - sans concession, et avec un charme unique - des perles de drôlerie et de brutalité, de tendresse et de haine. - Sonia Sarfati, Les Libraires Link to review
  • Mélanie Michaud a le sens du punch et sait créer des images fortes et surprenantes en maniant habilement mots et expressions populaires. - Iris Gagnon-Paradis, La Presse Link to review

Rights Holder

Rights Holder: Groupe d'édition la courte échelle



rights available: World

Additional Information

age range: Adult

publication date: 08/01/2020

Original language of pub: French

Materials Available: finished book