I Once Was a Cowboy

I Once Was a Cowboy

by Art Hagen
  • from-the-prairies
  • memoir
  • wilderness-outdoors-nature
I Once Was a Cowboy explores wanderlust, the price of gritty, hard work and the simple beauty of working outdoors and with horses. Art Hagen's story is an intimate portrayal of his years as a ranch hand in Alberta and BC, demonstrating a way of life from a time when neighbours and cowboys depended on each other for their livelihood and survival. It is not just the story of one person riding alone but of the comradeship of prairie settlers who would give a rover a meal and a bed for the night and ask nothing in return.


Art Hagen, author

Art Hagen spent more than eight decades living the cowboy way of life. He started out on his parents' ranch in Hazelton, BC, and later worked as a ranch hand in BC's Caribou Country and the southern interior. Art finally settled in the Milk River region of southern Alberta, where he married and raised two children. Art worked as a ranch hand and a range rider until the age of 80, when he finally put his trusty steed out to pasture. He and his son own a small ranch raising Black Angus cattle in Alberta's Peace River Country. Art is also a musician and songwriter with two albums to his credit.

Rights Holder

Rights Holder: Dragon Hill Publishing

email: marinam@dragonhillpublishing.com

website: www.dragonhillpublishing.com

rights available: World

Additional Information

age range: All Ages

number of pages: 352

publication date: 05/10/2010

Original language of pub: English

Materials Available: finished book