Les fondements de la psychologie du couple

Les fondements de la psychologie du couple

by Yvan Lussier & Claude Bélanger & Stéphane Sabourin
  • french-from-quebec
  • from-quebec
  • reference

Despite the rapidly changing definition of “couple” throughout the years, in 2017, the term is still at the core of one’s personal and social lives. By focusing on the analysis of multiple indicative factors of a conjugal relationship, the authors of this collective provide a detailed overview of the main answers to contemporary scientific questions based on the psychology of couples. Thus, they go beyond prejudices and dogmas. In fact, they strongly believe that certain knowledge—which will be questioned, revised, clarified and contested based on fact in this book—is just a simplified, and too optimistic or too pessimistic, view of life as a couple. This comprehensive analysis offers scientific insight on the foundational and theoretical relationship concepts, the relationship development, the relationship process behind the optimal conjugal relationship, and the research and intervention methods to use with couples. This book nourishes reflection on complex relationship challenges as a whole, and is sure to please all professionals working in the field of relationship psychology.


Yvan Lussier, author

Yvan Lussier, PhD, is a psychologist and professor in the Department of Psychology at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Since 1990, he has run its Laboratoire de psychologie du couple (Couple Psychology Lab). Lussier is also a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Intimate Relationship Problems and Sexual Abuse (CRIPCAS).

Claude Bélanger, author

Claude Bélanger, PhD, is a psychologist, professor and Director of the Couples and Relationships Research Lab at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), associate professor in the McGill Department of Psychiatry, and researcher at CRIPCAS.

Stéphane Sabourin, author

Stéphane Sabourin, PhD, is a psychologist and professor at the École de psychologie (School of Psychology) of Université Laval. He has run the Laboratoire de recherche et d’intervention auprès du couple (Couple Research and Intervention Lab), since 1992, and is also a researcher at CRIPCAS.

Rights Holder

Rights Holder: Presses de l'Université du Québec

email: puq@puq.ca

website: www.puq.ca

rights available: World

Additional Information

number of pages: 810

publication date: 08/17/2017

Original language of pub: French | Français

Materials Available: finished book