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Usages créatifs du numérique pour l'apprentissage au XXIe siècle

Usages créatifs du numérique pour l'apprentissage au XXIe siècle

by Margarida Romero & Benjamin Lille & Azeneth Patiño
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There are numerous uses for digital technology in schools. While some uses do not make learning better, others allow students to engage more in the process of co-creation. This book provides insight into the creative approaches of digital technology in education. It also explains the potential and the contribution that digital technology brings to the personal, social and professional education of citizens of the 21st century. By approaching the matter critically, it is possible to analyze the educational challenges of using digital technology while also taking into account its complexity, the interdisciplinary aspect of its contributions and the so-called “21st century skills.” Creativity and collaborative problem solving are among the skills presented to readers in a more in-depth manner based on examples of fun challenges in the sector of creative technology which encourages their commitment to learning. Furthermore, the authors discuss different approaches, from the creative use of digital technology, to teaching by playing games, to the use of educational robotics and to the approaches related to creative learning labs. In the end, their focus is the development of teachers’ digital skills and a leadership which would better the integration of the creative uses of digital technology in education. The testimonies throughout this book give a concrete picture of the various educational ideas that were studied.


Margarida Romero , author

Director of the Laboratoire d’innovation et numérique pour l’éducation (LINE; Innovation and Digital Technology in Education Lab) and researcher at Université Laval, Margarida Romero is conducting research on the creative uses of digital technology and is focusing on the development of 21st century skills through creative programming and educational robotics.

Benjamin Lille, author

Master’s candidate in Educational Technology at Université Laval, Benjamin Lille is conducting research on learning through digital play, the Maker Movement, developing historical thought and the use of technologies to develop 21st century skills.

Azeneth Patiño , author

PhD candidate in Educational Technology at Université Laval and scholar of the Conseil national de science et technologie du Mexique (CONACYT-I2T2; National Board of Science and Technology in Mexico), Azeneth Patiño is interested in learning through digital play and the use of serious education games to learn a second language.

Rights Holder

Rights Holder: Presses de l'Université du Québec



rights available: World

Additional Information

number of pages: 186

publication date: 09/27/2017

Original language of pub: French | Français

Materials Available: finished book