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Environmental Activism on the Ground: Small Green and Indigenous Organizing

Environmental Activism on the Ground: Small Green and Indigenous Organizing

  • english-from-canada
  • environmentalism
  • indigenous
Environmental Activism on the Ground draws upon a wide range of interdisciplinary scholarship to examine small scale, local environmental activism, paying particular attention to Indigenous experiences. It illuminates the questions that are central to the ongoing evolution of the environmental movement while reappraising the history and character of late twentieth and early twenty-first environmentalism in Canada, the United States, and beyond. This collection considers the different ways in which Indigenous and non-Indigenous activists have worked to achieve significant change. It examines successful attempts to resist exploitative and damaging resource developments, the establishment of parks, heritage sites, and protected areas, and pays special attention to the thriving small-scale environmentalism of the 1960s through the 1980s. Environmental Activism on the Ground illuminates and emphasizes the effects of local and Indigenous activism, offering lessons and directions from the ground up. It demonstrates that the modern environmental movement has been as much a small-scale, ordinary activity as a large-scale, elite one.


Liza Piper, editor

Liza Piper is an associate professor in the Department of History at the University of Alberta.

Jonathan Clapperton, editor

Jonathan Clapperton is an adjunct professor in the Department of History at the University of Victoria.

Rights Holder

Rights Holder: University of Calgary Press



rights available: World

Additional Information

age range: Adult

number of pages: 368

publication date: 01/31/2019

Original language of pub: English

Materials Available: complete manuscript