Spirit Animals: Meanings and Stories

Spirit Animals: Meanings and Stories

by Wayne Arthurson
  • indigenous
  • religion-spirituality
Native peoples have long believed in the power of spirit animals or totems to teach, to heal and to inspire. Animals and humans are part of the same world, walking together on the Earth. One of the strongest spirit animals is the bear. It is the grandfather spirit for its strength, leadership, confidence and courage. The buffalo is a symbol of strength and power. Some legends say we descended from the coyote, the trickster and creator. The coyote gave us fire, knowledge of herbs and food. In the beginning, the turtle carried the earth on its back so it is a symbol of peace and balance. The wolf, the Great Teacher, taught us to hunt and form communities. This book is meant as a guide. It is meant to introduce the importance of animals to Aboriginal peoples. You may see if the meanings behind these animal spirits are reflected in your own life.


Wayne Arthurson, author

Award-winning author Wayne Arthurson is an Aboriginal freelance writer of Cree descent from Edmonton, Alberta. He has written professionally for over 20 years and has worked full time as a journalist, editor, communications officer and an advertising copywriter. He has more than 100 articles, five history books and three novels already published, including the Fall From Grace, winner of the Alberta Readers’ Choice award. Wayne is a member of the Board of Directors for the Edmonton Arts Council.


  • As a non-indigenous reader, I thoroughly enjoyed Wayne Arthurson's book, "Spirit Animals: Meanings & Stories". The format of the book makes it accessible, entertaining, and informative. In "Spirit Animals", Arthurson explores creatures big and small—from spiders to Orcas and from ducks to bison—and considers each one in relation to particular Indigenous peoples. Arthurson is of Cree descent, and he is careful to identify different and specific nations in his discussion of various Indigenous beliefs. Highly Recommended. - Gregory Brian, CM Magazine Link to review

Rights Holder

Rights Holder: Eschia Books

email: diannem@eschiabooks.com

website: N/A

rights available: World

Additional Information

age range: All Ages

number of pages: 96

publication date: 12/01/2014

Original language of pub: English

Materials Available: finished book